Baldur From Bakki
Þorfinnur Guðnason
Baldur is a shy and soft-spoken man and a living legend in the remote valley, Svarfadardalur in Northern Iceland, where he lives.
Humorous poems and songs have been written about Baldur and are sung at gatherings in the valley. He is loved by all.
Baldur has a dream. He wants to go and visit his old friend, long lost on a distant shore in the Pacific ocean. But there are many obstacles on the way from his valley, Svarfadardalur, to Big Island in Hawaii. But who is his friend ? What magnificent experiences do they share from the past.
The film is an evocative exploration of the ancient rural culture, fast disappearing, in Baldur’s remote valley. We are then transported to a far away Island on the other side of the globe. It’s a story of a man pursing his dream, friends re-united, life and death.